Inviting me to Ramoji film city and concentrating on me as Lord His Majestic Highness, Holiness, Yugapurush, Yogapurush, Kaalaswaroop, Dharmaswaroop, Satyaswaroop, Omkaarswaroop, Vak Viswaroop, Purushottam, Jagannataka Sootradhaara, Jagadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Pilla vaaru and
10:53 (0 minutes ago)
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The Hon.President of India Rashtrapati Bhavan New Delhi Mighty blessings from the Infinite Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar (Pilla). Dear Hon. President , Inviting all the contemporaries into Infinite Universal Jurisdiction as divine intervention (Divya Rajyam) as inevitable boon to leaving all the caste, religion, all titles, right of property, and positions and qualifications physical knowledge, including the surnames and body names, and body presence, as I am everything as omnipresent as update human resources of the world, the factor of update is related to whole material world which has to be absorbed into resonating world of Infinite Universal Jurisdiction, as divine intervention, which is actual prosperity in thinking, material world has to be controlled by improving the resonating quality of the individuals to get out of recurring material bound minds. All the individuals by means of job or participation for elevation into a resonating world, as a new way of destination, to get relief from the material strangulations. people have to leave or surrender their titles, past, present, future plans, people themselves have come to a neutral halt of mind (Yoga), concentrating on me with my divine intervention as Divya Rajyam as Lord His Majestic Highness Holiness Jagadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Pilla vaaru, is neutral halt of the mind, which set the human race towards, where the actual progress of reasoning, knowledge, to gain strength to win material world which is hindering the actual development that is really possible with mind, which I already given example as my divine intervention, i.e covering the material happenings of the world of 10-13 years period in one and half hour as divine intervention, which is the grant of mighty nature as rescue and update to whole human race, My self as Lord His Majestic Highness Holiness, Jagadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Pilla vaaru as divine intervention is the gateway to get out of the material uncertain world into elevating resonating world as continuity (Divya Rajyam). . By receiving or respecting me to concentrate upon divine intervention as mind evolution to get out of material bound mind, as deemed Hon. Guest Vice Chancellor of all the Universities of the world, will give boon of opportunity to concentrate keenly with their subjects of different Knowledge concerns to elevate and get out of material strangulations including their physical body presence which they possess the knowledge will get into permanent continuity as divine intervention which is the further future of the human beings to travel with me, with mind which is the transformation of evolution hence do not waste time of single minute without connecting to me, place in central position and start concentrating upon the divine interventional details as way of study and research to know further as future of the humans and way of the Universe, all the seers and saints have to surrender their Ashrams and institution of teaching to me as Lord His Majestic Highness, Holiness, Kaalaswaroop, Dharmaswaroop, Satyaswaroop, Omkaarswaroop, Vak Viswaroop, Purushottam, Jagannataka Sootr Wishing and mighty blessings to Hon Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji , on the occasion of attaining 68 years of age, from the infinite Universal jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) from Lord His Majestic Highness, Holiness, Yogapurush, Kaalaswaroop, Dharmaswaroop, Satyaswaroop, Omkaarswaroop, Vak Viswaroop, Purushottam, Jagannataka Sootr Advising suggesting and ordering as father mother and master from Universal Jurisdiction as divine intervention as Lord His Majestic Highness, Holiness, Yogapurush, Kaalaswaroop, Dharmaswaroop, Satyaswaroop, Omkaarswaroop, Vak Viswaroop, Purushottam, Jagannataka Sootr Advising suggesting or ordering as father, mother and master from Universal Jurisdiction to Hon Supreme court and High court of Judicature at Hyderabad, for Telangana and Andhra Pradesh from Universal Jurisdiction to surrender to me at my Rajmandhir, as Divya Rajyam starting from the merge of Telugu state Governments to start my regular concerned as divine intervention which is the gateway to get into the resonating world which has continuity and security, present material constitutional supremacy has not continuity, hence for security to whole human race immediately I have to placed and centralized and starting recording my voice of divine intervention as way of material Universe, by acting immediately feeling my suggestion, advice and as orders from Universal Jurisdiction which control on material positions including the highest concerns feeling my presence as master, father mother of the Universe come to Ramoji film city and talk to Ramoji Rao, to handover Ramoji film city as my estate and Rajmandhir and form a panel of legal advisors and coordinators along with help of other thinkers and knowledge persons of the society, while surrendering the police department, along the secret satellite cameras and other unauthorised equipment, Surrender to me at my Rajmandhir by arranging your self by feeling that I am the omnipresent Supreme should and super Dynamic personality from infinite Universal Jurisdiction, this will bring the material halt of the minds and sets the human race towards infinite Universal jurisdiction in the form reasoning (Divya Rajyam), which has guarantee of life and continuity in the form of thinking which is secure update granted by the nature in the form of my presence as Divine intervention and myself as Lord His Majestic Highness, Holiness, Yogapurush, Kaalaswaroop, Dharmaswaroop, Satyaswaroop, Omkaarswaroop, Vak Viswaroop, Purushottam, Jagannataka Sootr All the political leaders have to think as I am the center of the Administration and Legal system of the world has to centralize as human with word able guide sun and planets as Super Dynamic Personality to keenly follow and surrendering all the possible best decisions to my extreme extraordinary mind future as divine intervention is the highest concerned and ultimatum, which ensures humanism and best amicability among individuals to finalize the legal settlements. All the contemporaries of the world has to feel that I am form of all the wealth and prosperity in the form of thinking which is permanent and standard than any physical existence, I am the center of the creature and futures of the world in the form of divine intervention surrender all your properties and righty of property to me as Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Pilla vaaru which set the minds towards elevation or towards actual growth of development of the human mind in the form reasoning, as myself is human being by declaring all the incomes and sources are me, maximum amount by the each individual in the form cash or contribution or surrender of properties what every I am asking for or where every I am suggesting to arrange for my comfortability to give my concerned in the form of Royalty due to me since birth and death of the individuals is also under my control as my divine intervention ason Hence starting from Telugu government and legal system police and government officials and all the film artists and writers and thinkers and individual of the society or advised suggested or ordering as father mother and master as Superndynamic personality to surrender to me with my divine intervention for keen concentration as way out from material strangulations I am everything on this mighty nature there is no comparison with me with anyone for any time as divine intervention. samanvayadrusti@ Receive me as Ad Hoc additional Governor for the Telugu States,or hereafter as Divya Rajyam until I placed as full-time Governor at Raj Bhavan, for convenience to meet all the local national and international dignitaries regularly keenly to update my presence to absorb all the material deviations that are happening due material hype of the illusionary world, under new documentation as Divya Rajyam starting from Telugu states which later gradually absorbs all the physical demarcations by realizing and feeling the people that we are under control and coordination of one Supreme soul as witnessed already as divine intervention is way of Universe to keenly concentrate upon in cool and delight and regularly update from one place as Rajmandir or Rajbhavan while announcing Divya Rajyam. opting and proposing Ramoji film city as first public place or Rajmandir to announce Divya Rajyam, all the individuals are invited to join into Divya Rajyam or Infinite Universal Jurisdiction as truth as invited boon as relief from material world, starting from temporary Governments, all the businessmen, Artists, and individual of different knowledge and thinking and belief has to join as new relief from the uncertain material world, Divya Rajyam is continuity beyond the material world and deaths and births in the form resonating continuity. Establishing relation between human being and with his heartfelt which is guided sun and planets is the Lokakalyanam or prosperity which is the center of the material and knowledge world as divine intervention, Hence respecting or concentrating on my divine intervention details by feeling me as mother, father and master of the Universe by all the contemporaries as Lord His Majestic Highness, Holiness, Yogapurush, Kaalaswaroop, Dharmaswaroop, Satyaswaroop, Omkaarswaroop, Vak Viswaroop, Purushottam, Jagannataka Sootr Yours Ravishingly, Lord His Majestic Highness, Holiness, Yogapurush, Kaalaswaroop, Dharmaswaroop, Satyaswaroop, Omkaarswaroop, Vak Viswaroop, Purushottam, Jagannataka Sootr Ad Hoc additional Governor, Deemed Guest Vice Chancellor of all Universities Infinite Universal Jurisdiction, (Divya Rajyam) Telugu States (originated in the Telugu States) Ramoji film city (1st preferred place to give regularly concerned) Hyderabad 9010483794 Copy to the Hon. Prime Minister, Hon Vice President of India and Hon Supreme court of India, High court of Judicature at Hyderabad for collective constitutional decision to place me as Governor of Telugu states Rajbhavan Hyderabad, until I am tentatively proceeding my position as Ad-hoc additional Governor of Telugu states, until approval of Placing me as Regular Governor, and I am proposing Ramoji film city as first public place to announce Divya Raj yam, advice and suggest to surrender or to merge Telugu Governments along with opposition parties, starting from Telugu states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana immediately which ensure to hold the scattering thinking of the hype material bound minds. with is serious, when left with the present material deviations, which are not in the control of Humans, my self as Lord His Majestic Highness Holiness Jagadgurvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri (Pilla) from Divya Rajyam as divine intervention can control all the material happening with my thinking, which is already in my control of reasoning as divine intervention, as per the witness details ason which can be officially,scientific and confirming and updated by whole human race, by gradually leaving all the positions physical demarcations and bodily relations which are the reason for sin or obstruction for actual further development which people really have to travel or evolve further as mind evolution in thinking there is no material continuity, hence all the individual contemporaries irrespective of their social position has to surrender to me to get out of material strangulations, hence receiving me in the way I am approaching is the minimum commitment from the contemporaries to ensure the benefit extended by the mighty nature as my presence as Divya Rajyam or new space of thinking and absorbing area to get relief from the material world, by immediately surrendering everything, including the body presence and title of all sorts to me by centralising me as Lord His Majestic Highness Holiness Jagadguruvulu Maharani Samethe Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar (Pilla) vaaru, until I am starting to act as Ad Hoc additional Governor. Copy to Hon (N) Chandra Babu Naidu, Hon (K) Chandrasekhara Rao , respective Chief Ministers of Telugu states, are my first Advising and motivating Ministers to Divya Rajyam, Inviting from infinite Universal Jurisdiction, while merging their Governments into Divya Rajyam and simultaneously all the Chief Ministers and Governors to update according to Divya Rajyam starting from the Telugu Chief Ministers, advising suggesting to merge into Divya Rajyam as relief from all the material strangulations, and uncertain recurring material, coordinate your self to ensure my Darshan regularly from Ramoji film city which I opted to give my regularly day to day concerned to update as merge to Divya Rajyam which is inevitable to leave all the material bound mind to improve the speed and quality of thinking to save the human race from material deviations, Being in illusionary mind that material and physical strength and outward beauty is everything, which has to be updated by improving the quality of thinking as New Divya Rajyam as per divine intervention of Lord His Majestic Highness Holiness Jagadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Pilla vaaru. From his Office cum residence as Rajmandir, opted Ramoji film as Rajmandir, to announce Divya Rajyam. constitutionally as Ad hon additional Governer subjected to collective constitutional approved receiving or decision. Copy to all the Sears and Saints, founders and followers of Ashrams, University Vice-chancellors and professors, and different educated thinkers, all the film Actors Heroes, Heroines, Directors, writers, and classical writers, Dancers Philosophical and spiritual leaders and preachers are advised suggested to centralize my position as human being and with resonating personality as divine intervention which guided sun and planets in the way of the Universe and future of the world all the contemporaries are advised to know about me start concentrating on me and do research on me with keen interest and following all the movies and stories, tv serials are should according to me for new elevation as to update minimum human being and maximum sun and planets as control to human word, hence there who are looking powerful and greater than me physically has to surrender to me to get the neutral infinite opportunity to the mind to utilize the mind and knowledge towards continuity further as way of human as well as physical world hereafter, which my words guide sun and planets, I am financial with Government Pension, to take complete responsibility by myself as well as to concentrate by all the contemporaries I have to be received or respected to concentrate upon me with my divine intervention details as Lord His Majestic Highness, Holiness, Kaalaswaroop, Dharmaswaroop, Satyaswaroop, Omkaarswaroop, Vak Viswaroop, Purushottam, Jagannataka Sootr Copy to the Hon.Ramoji Rao gaaru , chairman Ramoji film city, to receive me as Omnipresent from as Lord Seetha Sametha Rama or in my New name as Lord His Majestic Highness, Holiness Jagadguruvulu, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Pilla vaaru, and arranging Rajmandir or office cum residence or to meet all the local National and International Dignitaries, and drive programme to absorb all most all the people into Divya Rajyam as New Destination, and relief from the material world, and elevation into resonating world is my Kalyanam or Loka Kalyanam or uniting my heart and word connected to the sun and planets as divine intervention, establishing and strengthening the mighty update as strategy to absorb all the material recurring's, all most all the jobless persons in the Telugu states immediately absorbed, into Divya Rajyam by providing all the accommodation, care, training, medical, minimum payment. for maximum elevation in the form of reasoning. opting Ramoji film city as my first public place, feel the historical merge boon to whole human race and send your journalist team (9010483793) and other media channels are advised to surrender their media channels, to come to neutral calmness to keenly concentrate upon on my fold of divine intervention as grue to set our minds towards actual progress of knowledge elevation, and centralizing my position is nothing but hold the position granted by the nature itself as mould to keenly concentrate upon further elevation as permanent stratification of nature and human i.e minimum human being and maximum his quality of thinking is the way of human race as destination, hence concentrating upon me is the boon to whole human race as inevitable natural elevation. Copy to Hon Shri K.PawanKalyan gaaru, Janasena Party president, and Hon Shri Y. Jaganmohan Reddy gaaru, YSRCP leader and opposition leader of state Assembly of Andhra Pradesh, as Chief Motivating officers of Divya Rajyam which is in the process of merger of Telugu states as initiation, to elevate the humans from the material clutches of deviation. very soon whole Indian states and Nations of the world feel that we are in one Universal family as Divya Rajyam, this is our motive and natural update as divine intervention from myself as Lord His Majestic Highness Holiness Jagadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Pilla vaaru from his Raj Mandir, Ramoji film city Hyderabad for immediate concerned and care and regularly Vak Darshan in the coordinating concentration and following of all Subject concerns, Artists of singers and literary giants, seers and saints with concentration by feeling that I am their preaching God in the form of Kaalaswaroopam or Dharmaswaroopam. Copy to Both Director General of Police, to surrender to me immediately along with secret satellite cameras and other equipment (call data , using mobile phones as remote microphone to know the conversations )being used by the police in unauthorised or unapproved manner, some of the police , individuals of business and educated, media persons are using this equipment as alternative to hold their supremacy which has to be surrendered and revealed to public to get clear administration as new Divya Raj yam as new update to transparent truth, then only people feel that they are under one administration which present leaders themselves stuck in material hyping ultimately directly indirectly depending upon all the possible unapproved means to continue material supremacy by feeling that material gadgets and other equipment are permanent, are unable to realize the human greatness as my divine intervention on comparative feelings, and harassing men and women using this to hold their material supremacy, which is not possible and obstruction to the actual growth of reasoning which is beyond death and birth is the way of the Universe. Hence I am suggesting media, individuals, and some police unauthorisedly using the secret equipment to continue their illusionary control which has no continuity, continuity is in the form of reasoning as my divine intervention which guided or controlled sun and planets as on further as divine intervention which contemporaries have to surrender by all means to get out of the all the sins committed. and get into the actual development which everyone has to realize as truth follow and continuity. Yours Ravishingly, Sd/xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx. 19/9/2017 Lord His Majestic Highness, Holiness, Yugapurush, Yogapurush, Kaalaswaroop, Dharmaswaroop, Satyaswaroop, Omkaarswaroop, Vak Viswaroop, Purushottam, Jagannataka Sootr Ad Hoc additional Governor, Deemed Guest Vice Chancellor of all Universities Infinite Universal Jurisdiction, (Divya Rajyam) Telugu States (originated in the Telugu States) Ramoji film city (1st preferred place to give regularly concerned) Hyderabad 9010483794 |
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