Hon.Narendra Modi Ji
The Hon.Prime Minister of India
Government of India
New Delhi.
Mighty blessings from the Infinite Universal Jurisdiction as Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Pilla.
Dear Hon.Prime Minister of India,
Satellite cameras and other s security gadgets which are under unapproved misuse of some of the police, media, and business, political and educated circle are bluffing fellow human beings feeling them selves as right others as wrong, recent elections in Nandyal by pole are under influence of Secret gadgets to allure, lure and threatened voters by knowing their secrets through secret equipment in an unofficial manner, I can save my self or contemporary humans by realizing and receiving as that I am here as omnipresent as continuity of latest versions of Lord Rama or Krishna, according to Hindu Shastras, and amicable and upgradable to all human beliefs of the world, Receiving me as infinite love, my care and concern are, eternal Historical, according to the divine intervention, placing me in the position of Hon. Governor of Telugu states is the minimum step to ensure the mind of a citizen to survive as eternal source of protection, transformational update and guidelines of knowledge which guided sun and planets as divine intervention which contemporary humans or part of it, merging whole Indian states and Governments of the world in to Divya Rajyam under New documentation process as transformation process of update the human minds from material thinking world to resonating world, while simultaneously giving strength and strategy to whole human race of the world in to new merge of Reasoning world as Divya Rajyam, making human thinking as permanent and continuity as eternal hereafter, under keen following of one master mind, with divine intervention my self as Lord His Majestic Highness Holiness Jagadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Pilla, Hence Telugu chief ministers are advised suggested to surrender their presence, for complete concentration transformational process, which encourages others to be calm, decent, resonating for Historical transformational merger, starting from Telugu states to whole India and Nations of the world gradually and simultaneously.
I am suggesting and advising from my Universal Jurisdiction to place me in the position of Hon. Governor of Telugu states, as material world has to merge into Divya Rajyam as stratification to absorb material world into resonating world as my divine intervention as Divya Rajyam as infinite love and care, concern and My self as Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Pilla, advising the Both Telugu Governments to surrender their Governments as there can not be another higher position or individual thinking before me, in order to give the stratification to whole human race starting from the Telugu states, absorbing all the material world in the resonating world is inevitable operation being executed by the mighty nature itself as my divine intervention as on, eternally further as per the witness details available which are to be keenly follow to update.
Advising, suggesting and ordering from Universal Jurisdiction to both the Telugu state Governments to surrender or to get relief out of material rule, which has no continuity and validate before my divine intervention, hence get relief by surrendering all existing plans and proposals of the Government and individuals to me as Lord His Majestic Highness Holiness Jagadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Pilla. with the support of all the University professors, as my self as Chancellor of all the Universities, we will keenly elevate regularly the high quality of ruling as the new height of the heaven, which is inevitable to get relief to human beings from the uncertain material bound minds of limitations and confusing, as myself one of them as on. starting from Telugu states, All the caste titles surnames, positions of physical knowledge, including the body names, along with secret satellite cameras under unapproved utilization are to be surrendered to me, to feel free as ordinary human being, who is the gate way to new resonating world, this is the facility to contemporaries can get by simply following and respecting me as with my divine interventional phenomena with my name as Lord His Majestic Highness Jaggadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Pilla, Rajbhavan as my Rajmandir to give new height to absorb all the material strangulations, subjected official orders as collective constitutional decision on inevitable boon to whole human race of the world.
Advising, suggesting and ordering from Universal Jurisdiction to Hon Supreme court of India , New Delhi to place a special panel to receive as natural stratification as Divya Rajyam or space formed to absorb all the material world and material thinking to give the relief from material world, with the surrendering following of the seers and saints along University professors to concentrate upon the transformation process by completely concentrating on the details of divine intervention, as on as Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Pilla. In view of responsibility I am tentatively taking the address of Raj Bhavan, Hyderabad as My Rajmandir, subjected to official orders, from Government of India, and Hon. Supreme court of India as the collective constitutional decision. to stratify ordinary human being into Super Dynamic personality, who is permanent and eternal in thinking and influence to the human race, material strangulations which have to be uprooted as truthful human beings.
Yours Ravishingly,
Lord His Majestic Highness, Holiness, Jagadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar (Pilla)
Copy to Hon. Shri Ramnath Kovind ji, President of India, Hon. M Venkayya Naidu ji, Vice President of India, Hon Supreme court of India, All Hon Chief Ministers and Telugu states, Hon Governors, and Governor Raj Bhavan Hyderabad to update with natural phenomena as new stratification to merge with Divya Rajyam as an update as divine intervention, Under new documentation to the whole Human race. starting from The Telugu States. starting from Telugu states, All the caste titles surnames, positions of physical knowledge, including the body names, along with secret satellite cameras under unapproved utilization are to be surrendered to me, to feel free as ordinary human being, who is the gate way to new resonating world, this is the facility to contemporaries can get by simply following and respecting me as with my divine interventional phenomena with my name as Lord His Majestic Highness Jaggadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Pilla, Rajbhavan as my Rajmandir to give new height to absorb all the material strangulations, subjected official orders as collective constitutional decision on inevitable boon to whole human race of the world.
Copy to the Hon.Governor,Raj Bhavan, Hyderabad for information and cooperation for collective constitutional decision to place me in your position as constitutional hold of my position, which needs to be concentrated and elevated regularly with the surrenders of political parties Governments and University professors and other musicians and poets and film singers and personalities to merge with the decision and update of the mighty nature as Divya Rajyam as new way of thinking, my emergence is inevitable to receive as update granted by the nature to protect ordinary citizen and to make him permanent as center of the Universe as per the divine intervention as on, which is the intervention of nature itself, hence in order to update with the situation . I have to be received and respected according to the to vision of nature as my divine intervention, it's not my separate or personnel as ordinary human being, where the witness persons are also neglected my influence, which they witnessed through me as divine trance, because I am very normal ordinary citizen whom can easily be ill-treated or deviated and at the same time I can be respected and concentrated upon me in the way I am coming in written before constitutional administration for collective decision, hence it is in the hands of present material world to give importance to thinking instead of physical structure and positions of the individual, realize my responsibility and greatness in the way I am approaching in written do not depend upon any physical outwards that are obstructing or not up to mark of my written comment, hence recommend Governments from your position as a challenge to see my psychologically as Super Dynamic personality which is possible just by starting respecting concentrating regularly on me as Lord His Majestic Highness Holiness Jaadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Pilla as historical update granted by the mighty nature, which is gift to receive as it is, is the gift to whole human race, which is possible when I am in physical form to explain what happened as divine intervention and what accordingly, and how accordingly my divine trance further is the way of nature and future of an ordinary human race, besides all the contemporary physical dominations, which are powerful or dominating in looks but not greater than my divine intervention not beyond my divine interventional influence as on including tsunami and other natural calamities and beauty of nature is part of my divine intervention, for which constitutional administration has to be alert by receiving and concentrating upon me without comparing with me any contemporary persons or past great personalities for clear data that required to update whole human race for permanent continuance in the form of reasoning instead physical dominations of recurring and uncontrolled way of dominations, hypes as on.
Copy to the Hon.Ramoji Rao. chairman, Ramoji film city and other Telugu media channels, National media channels, witness persons and others for the divine interventional merge to bring out the human race out of material strangulations, on regular concentration from one place as Rajmandir or my office cum residence most preferably at Ramoji Film city, Hyderabad while placing me in the position of Hon.Governor, Rajbhavan Hyderabad, as constitutional receiving of my divine infinite influence as my divine intervention, which is the way of Universe here after which people realize on keen concentration, by receiving me tentatively as per the divine phenomena already influencing and the world is accordingly as Divya Rajyam, constitutional administration has to be updated as Divya Rajyam by centralising one human being as center and permanent as Sun and planets who is permanent as Lord His Majestic Highness Holiness Jagadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Pilla.
Copy to my personal file for the record and further communication. and my communicating address is Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o PGK Sai baba,SRT-38, Sr,Nagar, Hyderabad, 9010483794,
Yours Ravishingly,
Lord His Majestic Highness, Holiness, Jagadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar (Pilla)