Friday, 25 May 2018


 Somapah -One who drinks the Soma-juice in the Yajnas, in the form of the deity that has been invoked by the householder. In short, Narayana is the Lord that receives all the offerings, in all rituals, which we may offer, because He is the One invoked, who plays as the various hierarchy of deties.

 Amritapah -One who drinks the nectar. As the Infinite Truth He at all times enjoys the blissful immortality (Amritatvam). Also, it may have the echo of the puranic story of the churning of the Ocean-of-milk (Ksheeraabdhi) until they got the Nectar, which was confiscated by the Asuras, and when they ran away, it was Sri Narayana, who, in the form of the irresistible Mohinee, a beautiful enchanting damsel, recovered the Nectar from them and distributed it to the gods. He had partaken the Nectar along with the gods.

Somah -One who in the form of the moon- light (Soma) nourishes all the plant-kingdom with their respective essential sap. It is very well known in the Hindu literature that the moonlight is that which enriches the food value in the fruits and grains. In the Geeta, Bhagavan says: “I in the form of the moon-light, enrich all the plant-kingdom,” The term can also mean Siva, in which case it would mean as “One who is ever consorted by Umaa.”

Purujit -One who has won over numerous enemies. The word Puru means ‘many’.

Puru-sattamah -One who is Greater among the great. Here the word Puru means ‘great’. In some readings we find instead of this term “Puru-sattamah” the term “Purushottamah” is used, in which case the meaning is the Omnipresent (Purusha) and the Best (Uttamah)-the Absolute Reality.

Vinayah -In direct meaning, of course, it means “He who shows the supreme humility.” But the term also means “One who humiliates those who are unrighteous.” The Lord is one who leads well (Vi-Naya) the seekers steadily through the path of truth and righteousness.

Jayah -The Victorious. One who has conquered all the matter. It connotes that in order to experience the ‘Self’ we have to conquer all the lower matter-realms and their by-products. Realizing the Self, the seeker himself becomes the Self. At that time he has conquered all.

 Satya-sandhah -Of truthful resolution (Sankalpa). The Lord is One, who in His perfection, has so completely integrated, that His resolve, His thoughts, feelings, words and action are always truthful. There would he no com- promise in them, and as such, every resolve of His becomes fruitful “Heavens might fall down, the earth might tumble down, the Himalayas might be crushed, the ocean might become dry, but My word uttered shall never be in vain.” (Purana).

Daasaarhah –It is a name of Lord Krishna since He was born in the Dasaarha race (Yaadava-kula). It can also mean “One who is fully competent to receive all devoted offerings made in the ritualistic sacrifices.”

Saatvataam-patih -The Lord of the Saatvat-people Those who are followers of the Tantra named Saatvata-scriptures essentially Saattvic in nature- are called Saatvatas, and their Lord is Sri Narayana. The essential path of the Saatvatas is single-pointed meditation upon the form of Lord Vishnu with utter devotion.

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