Song from the divine,the divine trance of His Majestic Highness Jagadguruvulu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Pilla vaaru as myself as human able to express this song as it is before witness persons in the year 2003 January 1st along with other songs, and happenings of the wold since then up to year 2014 and further, accordingly concentrating on my mind and qualities of thinking and behavior as per my mind is the new way of thinking which minimum human mind is everything as update to whole human race, human mind and thinking is the center as and guiding the sun and planets accordingly as per my divine trance as on , for the format granted by the mighty nature I placed and transformed my self as His Majestic highness Jagadguruvlu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Srhi Anjaani Ravishankar Pilla , and my residence cum office is Rajmandhir, which is the door and opening to reasoning world, while overcoming the material strangulation's
Yours His Majestic Highness Jagadguruvulu Maharani sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar pilla vaaru .
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